A Condition Called Love: 10 Things Hananoi Did for Hotaru That Warmed Our Hearts

a condition called love

Hananoi isn’t normal, he’s extraordinary. Especially, if we talk about being the perfect boyfriend material. Tall, intelligent, and drop-dead handsome—a deadly trio of attributes any woman (and man, perhaps) would swoon for. The male lead from A Condition Called Love isn’t just about his looks; he’s also the sweetest thing to ever grace Hotaru’s life. Making her smile without anything in return seems to be Hananoi’s purpose in life, and he’s doing incredibly well.

While some singletons might call it a cringe-fest, A Condition Called Love is an incredibly relatable romantic journey between two adolescents that will give your top romance anime a run for their money. Aside from that, this new guy is definitely gonna make every shojo fan smile from ear-to-ear. He isn’t just raising the standard, he’s taking it out of the stratosphere. They say people give and receive love in one of five ways through the different love languages, but Hananoi exudes all five of them—and more! If you’re still doubting, here are the best things he did for Hotaru that made our hearts jump for joy.

10. Hananoi Asked Hotaru Out in Public

Hananoi asked hotaru out in public

Every story has to start somewhere, and our favorite young couple from A Condition Called Love started when Hananoi asked Hotaru out—and in public, no less. After a dramatic public breakup between Hananoi and his ex, he goes to sulk at the park under the cold winter snow with no umbrella. Luckily for him, Hotaru passes by and offers her umbrella in what she thinks is an act of kindness.

However, it didn’t just look like an act of kindness to Hananoi. To him, it looked like a destined meet-up. Little did Hotaru know, this small gesture would open up a new world for her the next day when Hananoi asks her out in the middle of class, in front of all her classmates. Damn, he’s fearless!

9. Hananoi Chopped his Long Hair for Hotaru

Hananoi short hair

A day after the fabled umbrella incident, Hananoi asks Hotaru if she prefers short or long hair—to which she answers the former thinking the question was about how she preferred her hairstyle. Onto the next day, Hananoi is seen sporting shorter hair, seemingly losing the long hair that he fashionably graced before.

Albeit abrupt, there’s no question that Hananoi can cut his hair into anything and still look good. However, cutting the hair he waited long to grow shows just how much he wants to impress Hotaru even just by his looks. Given that Hananoi dons a face graced only by the gods, putting in this much effort is usually uncalled for, but one that can be greatly appreciated.

8. Pork Buns, Hotaru’s Favorite!

Hotaru eating porkbuns

They say the way to a person’s heart is through the stomach, and Hananoi is steps ahead of this. After Hotaru gets interrupted while looking at a poster of pork buns by Hananoi in the hallway, they go to the staircase next to the rooftop—their soon-to-be usual eating spot. This was early on in the story so she still questions her decisions about this dating trial with him which overwhelms her.

However, like a knight in shining armor, Hananoi calls on Hotaru’s name and offers her a steaming pork bun that snaps her out of confusion. In these kinds of situations, food is always the answer! Hotaru splits the pork bun in half and gives it to Hananoi, forgetting all her dilemmas, and they eat happily ever after.

7. Hananoi Made Notes for Hotaru

Hananoi helping hotaru

Exams season is fast approaching. The pens are clicking and Hotaru is just trying to cram everything into her brain. Hananoi makes life easier for her as he surprises her with a load of notebooks with everything in it to better prepare her for the upcoming tests.

To all the students out there, you know taking notes is never that easy. Upon closer inspection, Hotaru notices Hananoi’s larger-than-normal eyebags—indicating that he stayed up late to write down the notes he eventually just gave her. This, my friends, is high school love of the highest form. If there is a love language for “receiving notes for exams,” that would undoubtedly be one of mine.

6. He Looked for Hotaru’s Hairpin…in the Snow…at Night

Hananoi Snow

Saki “Going the Extra Mile” Hananoi, that’s A Condition Called Love‘s ML’s name. During one P.E. session where they have to run around the track, one of Hotaru’s classmates looks frantically for a hairpin to pin her hair back. The great human Hotaru is, she lets her classmate borrow hers.

Long story short, she loses it on the track. And to make things worse, the weather let down some heavy snow on that unfortunate evening. Hotaru doesn’t give up on her special pin but she decides to look for it in the morning when the snow clears up.

However, Hananoi has other plans, as always. He goes to the school premises to search for that hairpin in the overflowing snow just so he can see Hotaru smile. He does all that in just a trenchcoat and a pair of gloves as if wishing for an illness the day after. His unwavering commitment to the cause shines through in the scene, eventually becoming a moment that has left a lasting impression on viewers.

5. He Always Comes Early to Hotaru’s Walking Route to School


Walking to school solo can get a bit boring. Mornings are usually the slowest part of the day, so having someone to walk with can be the adrenaline rush you need to start it better. Hananoi waits for Hotaru just outside the train station she gets off at to walk to school—and he does this religiously without fail.

It is implied in the story that he waits for her in the same spot, reading a book, for approximately two hours during the wee hours of the cold morning. It doesn’t seem like much, but having someone wait for you so you can walk together anywhere is one of the heart’s greatest necessities. Just knowing someone is there to accompany you even in the simplest things—that’s something anyone can appreciate, and we know Hotaru does too.

4. A Shrine Dedicated to Hotaru


Hear me out! This might sound like Hananoi’s just a creepy yandere, but no one knows what’s behind the curtains anyway. He’s not a psycho of some sort because that feels like an insult to the actual psycho yanderes of anime. Teenagers and their raging hormones might lead them to do stuff like this, and it’s pretty normal. Collecting bits and pieces of memories with the one you love and putting them in one place is a pretty sweet gesture.

It’s like a time capsule of all your favorite moments and photos that you can always look back to when you’re not in the safest place mentally—especially for Hananoi, who has had a rough, lonely childhood. And if it is Hotaru that he considers his safe place, then the new guy on the block is as precious as precious gets. Regardless, the story is already guiding him to having a healthier view of relationships and how he can love his partners better without being the obsessive and possessive Hananoi of the past.

3. He Raced to the Skating Rink to Keep a Promise


After the lack of rest and braving the cold for Hotaru, Hananoi wasn’t just lovesick, he was actually sick-SICK. This leads to Hotaru blaming herself for causing him to be ill—even going as far as to think that it is a side effect of falling in love. After days of bed rest to recover from the lack thereof, Hananoi still races to the ice rink to see Hotaru. He even researches where the closest rinks were to her house that held events on Christmas Eve.

He did all this to honor his promise to escort her to the rink before Christmas day. Hananoi couldn’t help it; his feelings for Hotaru were so strong that he could get out of bed after collapsing and getting an intense illness, and she greatly appreciated what he’d done for her. But alas, let this be a lesson to not strain yourself for love, kids!

2. A Birthday Like No Other for Hotaru

hananoi and hotaru

Hotaru is one unlucky girl. Not only is her birthday on the eve of Christmas but since that’s the case, all of her friends are always busy on her birthday with their families or partners. Aside from her friends, her parents are too busy with the youngest since her special ice skating performance takes precedence. But not for Hananoi! This Christmas Eve, his eyes are set on making this the best birthday of Hotaru’s life.

On the menu for this date: a visit to the amusement park, some good grub, and ice skating! Despite that being already a date to remember, the cherry on top is when the lights suddenly turn off and we get to see Hananoi carry Hotaru like a princess! She must be so used to seeing everyone celebrating with different people on her birthday, but Hananoi isn’t like them. To him, she’s the princess of her day.

1. Hananoi Tried Making Chocolates to Celebrate Valentine’s Day

hananoi chocolate

Before Valentine’s Day, Hananoi and Hotaru get into a serious conversation about being able to express anything with each other. This is the first time they got into the “I’m kind of jealous of him” talk, and things get a bit emotional. After realizing that he made her remember some things of the past that upset her, Hananoi wanted to make Valentine’s Day even sweeter by making chocolates. Well, he tried at least! It turns out that he hasn’t baked in his life and made a real mess of his kitchen.

Upon arriving at his doorstep, Hotaru sees a vulnerable version of Hananoi—the real glasses-wearing Hananoi who isn’t good at everything he does, and she loves it! The chocolate-making turns into a mutual baking session and Hotaru’s feelings slip out of her mouth. His vulnerability, coupled with the delicious chocolates, made her feel compelled to confess her love. And it was gloriously relatable in the way it all happened so naturally!

By Mac Montoya

Your friendly neighborhood writer by day, an anime enthusiast by night. While I do love writing, shonen and sports anime takes up a huge chunk of my heart. And so, I'll let my writing do the talking instead!